Futurama is, in my opinion, one of the best animated sitcoms of all times. First aired on FOX between 1999 and 2003 then canceled to only have reruns on Adult Swim. In 2007, four really good movies came out until 2008 when Comedy Central started to air new episodes and now episodes are scheduled to air at least until 2012-13.
Why do I like Futurama so much ? Because it gives an interesting point of view of our own society but with an imaginary perception from the future. Not only that, it's a pretty funny show with touching characters.
Not too much touchy-feely, but a cute subtle twist at the end of most episodes like in "Where the Buggalo Roam" S03 E10, when Kif and Amy kiss and Kif writes in his diary with his particular voice "Dear Diary, I just made love for the second time". I like that little touch of cuteness because it isn't overbearing, yet keeps the show in the Sitcom tradition.
The songs and music are really good and I admire Christopher Tyng for bringing the series alive with such awesome tunes.